Types of Shooting at CRC

Updated: January 2022

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NFAA Archery Range Layout

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Two couples that came out for the family fun day - they tried out every station.



3D Archery Range

The 3D range now has 4 deer, 2 racoons, 2 coyotes, 4 turkeys and 3 Boar.

The Kingcade Station

The Kingcade station is a new station just to the south of the 3D Archery Range. It has an Archery ball hanging from a tree with a rope pull 40 yards away. (So individuals can practice solo).

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The Benchrest community is best known as the people who shoot little groups. This is a game requiring precision and repeatability. A gun must consistently place shots into a small area to be competitive. The shooter has to read range conditions and adjust the point of aim to compensate for variables. This is the challenge of shooting groups! Tuning your gun, learning to read the wind, and adjusting for range variables all contribute to an interesting day at a match. Simply put them all through the same hole.

.22 Rimfire Benchrest

There are four classes in the CRCI Rimfire Benchrest competition. Any rifle chambered for the .22 LR cartridge having iron sights or scope is permitted. (Refer to the Shooting Classes for specific class requirements). Competitors will shoot a two-stage match using the IBS Rimfire 50 Yard Target. The IBS target has 4 sighting bullseyes at the top and 25 bulls below for record. During the timed stage, competitors will place one shot in each of the 25 bulls and have the option to use the sight in bulls at the top for unlimited sighters during the stage.

Click here to print Practice Targets @ 8-1/2" x 11" (Print "Actual Size")

IBS 1000 Yard

There are two classes of rifles used in IBS competition, Light Gun and Heavy Gun. The Light Gun must weigh under 17 pounds, and be under .40 caliber. A front pedestal like conventional benchrest is allowed, and the rear bag must conform to conventional benchrest rules. The rules for the rifles themselves are wide open. Muzzle breaks, stocks wider than 3 inches, guide rails on the stocks, and barrels of any taper are all allowed.

There is no weight limit in Heavy Gun. Heavy Guns too must be under .40 caliber. Mechanical rear rests are allowed, but the front and rear rest cannot interact or be joined. There must be at least one-half inch of sand in the bags between the rifle and the pedestals. While muzzle breaks are not allowed, almost anything else goes.

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Black Powder Long Range

Black Powder Target Rifle is an NRA sanctioned disipline that has its roots in the formation of the NRA as a marksmanship organization. Started in the 1870's with a challenge from the World Championship Irish team, a range was built at Creeds Farm on Long Island, named Creedmoor. A long range match was shot and the flegling American team beat the Irish to start a tradition of long range competitive shooting in the US.Our modern day matches at CRC are shot with single-shot rifles, originals and replicas, from the appoximate period of the Civil War to about 1900, with some exceptions for a few modern designs. These are cartridgefiring guns, generally 45 caliber, using black powder and cast lead bullets. Sharps 1874's, Winchester 1885 Hiwalls, Remington Rolling Blocks, and several others are the typical rifles used. Our Long Range course of fire is unlimited sighters and 15 shots for score at 800, 900, and 1000 yards using the standard LR target with a 35 minute time period. We have an Regional Match that also shoots a Mid-Range course at 300, 500, and 600 yards on the respective targets. Shooting is from prone using crossed sticks for rifle support. Both iron sights and replica long tube scopes are used.

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Cowboy Action

Cowboy Action Shooting is a multifaceted amateur shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those used in the taming of the Old West: single action revolvers; lever action rifles; and side by side double barreled, pre-1899 pump, or lever action shotguns. The shooting competition is staged in a unique, characterized, Old West style. Contestants shoot in several one-to-four gun stages (courses of fire) in which they engage steel and/or cardboard targets. Scoring is based on accuracy and speed. The truly unique aspect of Cowboy Action Shooting is the requirement placed on authentic period or western screen dress. Each participant is required to adopt a shooting alias appropriate to a character or profession of the late 19th century, or a Hollywood western star, and develop a costume accordingly. For more information, click here.

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High Power

Highpower rifle is a large group of different competitions using center fire rifles. Each type of highpower competitions is fired at ranges of 200 to 1000 yards with restrictions on the type of rifle used. Ammunition is limited to a maximum of .35 caliber. Firing is done is a variety of positions (Prone, Sitting or Kneeling, and/or Standing). For complete rules of each type of shooting refer to the NRA Highpower Rules

80 Shot Course

Match consists of 20 shots slow fire standing at 200 yds; 20 shots rapid fire sitting at 200 yds; 20 shots rapid fire prone at 300 yards, and 20 shots slow fire prone at 600 yds. Service Rifles or Match Rifles as defined by the NRA are used.Two sighting shots at each distance.

100 Shot Course

Match consists of 20 shots slow fire standing at 200 yds; 20 shots rapid fire sitting at 200 yds; 20 shots rapid fire prone at 300 yards, and 40 shots slow fire prone at 600 yds. Service Rifles or Match Rifles as defined by the NRA are used. Two sighting shots at each position.

Palma Course

Match consists of 15 shots prone slow fire at 800, 900, and 1000 Yds each.  Rifles are limited to .308 or .223.  Two sighting shots at each position.

Fullbore Course

Match consists of firing at 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 and 1000 yds all in the prone position with rifles meeting Palma requirements.  Sighting sights are convertible (can be used as record shots)

F Class

The F Class follows other courses of fire with no limit on rifles.  Front and rear rests (bi-pods) are allowed.  Targets are reduced one scoring ring in size.

600 Yard Any Any

three matches of 20 shots for record with unlimited sighters in a time limit of 25 minutes. Any rifle, Any Sights.

John C. Garand

The John C. Garand Match is held in honor of John C. Garand, the inventor of the U.S.Rifle Cal 30 M1 military rifle. Only “as-issued” U. S. Rifle cal .30 M1 (called “the Garand”), M1903A1 or M1903A3 (sometimes called “the Springfield”), U. S. Rifle cal..30 M1917 (sometimes called “the Enfield”), U. S. Rifle cal..30 M1941 (called “the Johnson”), the U. S. Krag rifle (cal..30-40) and the U. S. Carbine caliber .30 carbine M1.may be used in the competition. Competition is governed by the rules and regulations of the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). Matches consist of 5 sighter shots, followed by 10 shots slow-fire prone, 10 shots rapid-fire prone, and 10 shots slow-fire standing, all at 100 yards, with ammo furnished by the CMP. Competition is held on the Schuetzen range. Competition in one of these John C. Garand match meets the CMP requirement for proof of marksmanship participation for purchasing rifles from the CMP.

Vintage Sniper Team Match

The Vintage Sniper Rifle Team Match is a two-person team event fired at 300 and 600 yards. Each team consists of two members. Any two competitors may form a Vintage Sniper Rifle Team. Each team member will fire 20 rounds from a sandbagged prone position. One team member serves as the shooter while the other serves as the spotter.The spotter may be prone, seated or standing behind or alongside the competitor. The spotter may call wind and coach the competitor. Team members must change roles after 10 shots. A total of 40 shots will be fired by each team. The Rifles must be military sniper rifles or replicas thereof issued prior to 1953. Examples are, M1903A4, 1941A1 Springfield, Garand M1C, M1D, Lee-Enfield No4T and Gewehr 98’s. Scope power is limited to 8 power.

Marine Corp League

The Marine Corps League was Chartered by the United States Congress in 1937. It is an organization made up of United States Marines and Navy Fleet Marine Force Corpsman who have been Honorably discharged from active duty service. We open our marksmanship competitions to all Marines and Navy FMF Corpsman. The Windsor Marine Corps League Detachment engages in National Competitions within the Marine Corps League. All weapons used in both the Rifle & Pistol matches must be of U.S. Military origin and have the original hard iron sights. Handicaps are allowed to enable all participants the opportunity to shoot. The Rifle Match is composed of four positions; standing, kneeling, sitting and prone. 10 rounds of ammo in each position with 3 spotter rounds firing at targets at 100 yards. The Pistol Match is composed of 30 rounds of ammo in both slow and rapid fire sets, firing at targets at 25 yards.

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Long Range Precision Rifle

Long range precision rifle competition is intended to provide long range rifle shooting situations encountered in hunting or in the growing disciplines often referred to as “Long Range Practical/Tactical”. It consists of shooting at reactive metallic targets (targets that move when hit), at ranges of 219-547 yards. Matches consist of approximately 50 shots with a competitor’s choice of different centerfire rifles (with a class for rifle-caliber chambered pistols). Common calibers are .243, 6mm variants, 6.5mm variants, 7mm variants, and .308 and optics with greater than 4x magnification almost a must (3200fps velocity limit). Target sizes range from slightly smaller than prairie dogs to marginally larger at the longer distances. Shooters fire one at a time, with a time allotment of 15 seconds for each of 10 shots per stage. Competitions may include field courses with movement, barricades, obstacles or alternate shooting positions.

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Long Range Rimfire Rifle

Match Description:

  • This match is designed to be fast-paced, fun, safe, and to challenge competitors’ practical field shooting skills, such as wind reading, rapid target acquisition, magazine and DOPE changes during shot strings, and optionally, shooting off a tripod.
  • This is not a PRS/NRL style match, so you may shoot prone or from a bench. You may also shoot off a tripod. Each Division will shoot the same COF with the same time limits.
  • There are five arrays of steel targets at 84, 164, 218, 328, and 421 yards. Target sizes are 2-5MOA. There are five targets at each range, except for just two at 421y. All targets at 328 and 421y have Magnetospeed hit indicators aka flashers.
  • Course of fire is six 22 shot strings, for a match total of 132 shots.
  • One shot per target. One point per hit, zero points per miss. Perfect score is 132 points.

Equipment Requirements:

  • Bolt action repeater or semi-auto rifle - in .22LR only - with detachable box magazines.
  • Magnified optics with uncapped target turrets. Max magnification >10x.
  • Scope reticle with hash marks for elevation and wind holds.
  • Enough available scope elevation travel and/or holdover values to reach 385m/421y – this is about 22 MILS or 76 MOA in most rifles.
  • 132 rounds ammo, plus what you want to check your zero and DOPE prior to match start.
  • Enough magazines to shoot a 22 shot string, e.g., 5x5, 3x10, or some combination thereof. You will not have enough time to refill mags during your string.
  • Your elevation drop values and wind holds (aka DOPE) for the aforementioned ranges, written down and handy.
  • Bipod, rear bag, and/or other positional support bags, based on personal preference.
  • Tripod, only if you choose to shoot in the Tripod Division.

Match Times, Location, and Fees:

  • April - November on the 1st Saturday of each month.
  • Colorado Rifle Club, Byers, CO - Silhouette Range
  • 0730: Target Setup. Assistance is welcome.
  • 0815-0900: Sign in/Check Zero and DOPE.
  • 0900: Mandatory Safety Briefing. If you do not attend, you will not be allowed to shoot.
  • 0915: Match begins.
  • 1400: Projected end time.
  • $20.00 Match Fee. $10.00 (Juniors). Cash only.

Important Signup Information:

Important Signup Information (Continued):

  • Match is currently limited to fourteen (14) competitors.
  • If you show up to the match and did not sign up in advance, and the match is full, you will not be allowed to shoot.

Contact Information: 

Sam Pratt, Match Director
Email:  crclongrangerf@gmail.com

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NRA Pistol

A bullseye match requires you to shoot identical 90-shot courses of fire with three different calibers or types of pistols: .22, centerfire and .45 the .22 and .45 matches must be fired with pistols of those calibers while the centerfire match may be fired with any pistol .32 or larger. Most competitors use a .45 for the centerfire match. Pistols may be equipped with conventional open sights or low magnification scopes. Shooting is accomplished from the standing position with one hand. A typical match for each gun consists of a Slow Fire Match (20 rounds at 50 yards), National Match Course (10 shots slow fire at 50 yds, 10 shots timed fire at 25 yds, 10 shots rapid fire at 25 yds.), Timed Fire Match (20 shots timed fire at 25 yards) and Rapid Fire Match (20 shots rapid fire at 25 yds

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Practical Shooting


Practical shooting is a sport in which competitors are required to combine accuracy, speed and power to successfully complete many different types of shooting "problems". At any given match a shooter may be required to shoot targets 2 meters away in one event, and 50 meters away in the next. Sometimes the targets are paper, sometimes they are steel. Often "no-shoot" penalty targets are placed near "shoot" targets. Realistic props are used to simulate a scenario that the shooter must complete. Shooting may be done from freestyle, strong hand, weak hand, prone, or any other imaginable position, depending on the course of fire. Since scoring uses both total points and elapsed time, the shooters strive to find the best combination of accuracy, speed, and power to win.

USPSA Pistol

Competitors use centerfire handguns in large calibers (9mm/.38 special is the minimum allowed) and shoot full-power loads. These handguns are carried in belt holsters and are accompanied by spare magazines or speedloaders in pouches also attached to the belt.

IDPA Pistol

International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is a shooting sport based on defensive pistol techniques, using equipment including full-charge service ammunition to solve simulated "real world" self-defense scenarios. Shooters competing in defensive pistol events are required to use practical handguns and holsters that are deemed suitable for self-defense and every day use.

Steel Challenge

Steel Challenge is an action pistol event where the competitor shoots 8 different stages of fire from a designated shooting box on the ground.  The box is made of raised PVC pipe and defines where the shooter must stand during the engagement of the steel targets.  Each stage is comprised of 5 steel targets. These steel targets will be a combination of 10" & 12" circles and 18" by 24" rectangles.  At each pass the shooter engages the 5 pieces of steel and time to complete is recorded.  One pass is called a 'run' and each stage is comprised of 5 separate ' runs'.  The total times for all 8 stages are calculated together for their 'Overall' time.  The person who has the lowest compilation of stage times wins - therefore, who shoots the fastest - WINS !  The unique aspect of this sport is that it may be shot with center fire pistol; it may be shot with a .22 caliber rimfire pistol (ie. Buckmasters, Rugers, SW Model 41); and it may be shot with a .22 caliber rifle or a center fire pistol-Caliber carbine rifle. At a match you may only shoot 2 of the 4 guns listed above. Both are shot for score. The focus of this sport is sight picture and trigger control. Accuracy and economy of motion are the attributes that help the participant excel.

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Metallic silhouette shooting is a group of target shooting disciplines that involves shooting at metal cutouts representing game animals at varying distances.

The targets used are rams, turkeys, pigs, and chickens, which are cut to different scales and set at certain distances from the shooter depending on the specific discipline. Targets are set up in groups of 5 of each kind. Targets are engaged in order of distance: chickens, pigs, turkeys, rams. The target must be knocked down or pushed off the target stand in order to score a hit; even a shot ricocheting off the ground in front of the target will count if it takes down the correct target. Shooters are allowed to have a spotter with them, who watches where the shots land and advises the shooter on corrections to make.

High Power Rifle

High power metallic silhouette uses scoped bolt action center fire rifles to knock over life size metal animal cut outs. The animals are a chicken placed at 200 meters, a pig at 300 meters, the turkey at 385 meters and a ram target at 500 meters. The course consists of 40 animals , ten at each distance. The game is fired from the standing off hand position, no slings allowed. The object is simple, hit as many as you can in a given time slot. Common cartridges for this game are the .260 Remington, 6.5 x 55 Swede, the 7mm-08 Remington and the .308 Winchester. Magnum calibers are not allowed to avoid target damage. Other calibers used are the .270 Winchester and the .30-06 but these are too powerful to shoot up to 80 shots typically fired at a match. The recoil factor will take its toll on scores. Two classes of rifles are used in silhouette, the standard or unlimited gun and a common hunting rifle class.

IHMSA Pistol Smallbore/Bigbore

Handgun silhouette matches are sanctioned by the International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association. The full size and 1/2 size centerfire targets are set at 50, 100, 150, and 200 meters. Smallbore targets are set at 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. A match consists of 10 shots at each distance for a total of 40 shots. Common handguns used are revolvers in .357, .41 and 44 caliber. Single shot handguns are mostly TC's and Remington XP100's in 6mm, 6.5BR, 7TCU, 7BR and 30-30's. Smallbore handguns are any .22 long rifle in revolver, single shot or semi auto configuration. Scopes and spotters are allowed in both centerfire and smallbore.

Lever Action

Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette matches consist of 40 shots – (2) 5 shot strings at each animal. Competition is split into three categories:

Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette Rifle: Any lever action center fire rifle .25 caliber or larger with a tubular magazine of original manufacture or replica thereof. A rimmed case loaded with a round or flat nosed bullet must be used. Exception: 35 Remington is allowed. Targets: Long Range Pistol, at distances of 50-100-150-200 meters.

Pistol Cartridge Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette Rifle: Any lever action rifle with a tubular magazine. A rimmed pistol cartridge loaded with a round or flat nosed bullet must be used i.e. 25-20, 32-20, 38’s, .357 Magnum, 38-40, 44’s, 44-40, .45 Colt, .45 Long Colt, .22 Magnum and .22 Long Rifle. Targets: Hunter’s Pistol Targets, at distances of 40-60-77-100 meters.

Smallbore Cowboy Rifle Silhouette Rifle: Any lever action, pump, or semi-auto rimfire rifle with a tubular magazine. .22 long rifle ammunition only. Hyper velocity ammunition prohibited. Targets: Smallbore Hunter’s Pistol Targets, at distances of 40-60-77-100 meters.


Ten targets are fired upon from each of four ranges. 10 Chickens at 40 meters, 10 Pigs at 60 meters, 10 Turkeys at 77 meters, and 10 Rams at 100 meters. All shooting will be performed offhand with no support. Standard (Heavy rifles) may not exceed 10 lbs. 2 oz. Hunting (Light) rifles may not exceed 8 ½ lbs or have a trigger pull of less than 2 lbs. Heavy jackets, palm rests, slings, etc. may not be used for support. Only 22 LR standard and high velocity ammunition may be used. Stingers and other hyper-velocity ammo are not permitted.

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Smallbore Prone

Smallbore two day matches are NRA sanctioned matches using single shot .22 caliber target rifles, following NRA rules and regulations, and firing at ranges of 50 and 100 yards from the prone position. A typical match consists of 20 record shots on each of 16 targets over the two days. The smallbore summer league is a much more relaxed series of one day matches for the purpose of introducing smallbore shooting to new shooters while providing practice for the more serious smallbore shooter.

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Sporting Clays

Sporting Clays Events are non-competitive shoots. A course consists of 10 stations. 10 targets are shot at each station for a total outing of 100 targets per person. Targets are thrown as singles and pairs. A pair of targets may be thrown at the same time, as a following pair (thrown sequentially), or on report (the second clay launched on the report of the shooter’s gun). Each station is unique. Throughout a course, the shooters might see targets crossing from either side, coming inward, going outward, flying straight up, rolling on the ground, or arcing high in the air. The configuration of the stations is often changed to maintain interest for the shooters and for environmental preservation of the course. Shooters must provide their own shotgunsa and ammunition.

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Steel Dogs 22LR Rimfire Competition

(Revised: April 2022)

The .22LR Steel Dogs match is a rifle only event in which we shoot 2”x 6” steel prairie dog silhouettes from 35-150 yards and additional steel targets from 165-200 yards. This was started several years ago as a way to practice reading wind conditions and its effect on projectiles with a less expensive round.

We shoot a total of 50-70 rounds for the entire match as follows. Spirit of the match is in prone with either a bipod/ bags, or if you are adventurous, a sling. No rests or tripods allowed. We also allow shooting off the bench with a bipod or bags as some of our members cannot physically get into prone anymore. Any .22LR rifle that is safe is allowed, but a box magazine rifle is preferred by most shooters for fast magazine changes. Please bring an empty chamber indicator flag if you have one.

Match Director is usually there between 7:30-7:45 AM on the Schuetzen range. Set up at 8 AM. Mandatory safety brief at 8:15 and warm ups from 8:20-8:50. Match starts at 9, typically ends around noon depending how many competitors show up. Cost is $10 per person, non members must sign liability waiver found here (only needs to be done once per year online).

  • String 1 10 shots: Shoot ‘em up
    3 minutes to shoot 10 targets, 1 round per target from ascending ranges of 35-150 yards
  • String 2 10 shots: Shoot ‘em down
    3 minutes to shoot 10 targets, 1 round per target from descending ranges of 150-35 yards
  • String 3 10-30 shots: Three chances at glory
    3 minutes to shoot 10 targets, up to 3 attempts per target (if first or second shot misses), but decreasing point value if more than one shot taken per target (1/2 and ¼ point values for hits 2 and 3). Start at target #1 at 35 yd and progress upwards to target #10 at 150 yd
  • String #4 10 shots: Mad Minute
    1 minute to shoot 1 round per target at targets #1-#10. Can start with target #1 and ascend or start at target #10 and descend, must state which option you will use prior to start. Must shoot targets in sequence.
  • String #5 10 shots: Decision Time
    3 minutes to shoot at 4 targets. One 6” diamond at 165 yd, one 6” diamond at 180 yd, one 6” diamond at 200 yd, and a 1.5 MOA swinger at 200 yd hiding behind a 10” steel gong with a 3” hole in the center. LED hit indicator must illuminate for score to count on the 1.5MOA target. Your choice to hit targets in any sequence you desire, but only 10 rounds of ammo. (most shooters will start with the 200yd 6” steel diamond so they can see dirt splash in the berm if they miss)

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Colorado Rifle Club, Inc - Byers, Colorado

76099 E. 96th Ave., Byers. CO 80103