CRC Facilities:

The pistol range has 30 targets at 50 yards and 30 turning targets at 25 yards. The firing line is covered and paved. Member activity determines the number of tournaments and clinics scheduled each year.
Smallbore Rifle

The smallbore range has 30 covered and paved firing points at 50 and 100 yards. There are normally four or five NRA Smallbore Prone tournaments each summer plus an ongonig summer smallbore league. Plans are underway to begin a junior NRA program. Several Boy Scout troops also use the range for marksmenship training and merit badge qualification.

The Schuetzen range has 30 covered and paved firing points at 100 and 200 yards with concrete and steel benches for all points. 25 yard and 50 yard firing points are provided for sight-in. CMP J.C. Garand Matches, Marine Corp. League and .22 Benchrest matches are conducted on this range.
Sporting Clays

A ten station sporting clays field was built in 1992 and improved in 1993. Organized shoots are held generally twice a month alternating Saturday and Sunday from February through October. Five practice traps with six firing points were installed in 2015 so that by combining trap position and firing position one can simulate almost any sporting clay situation. These traps are available for use by members at any time except during scheduled clays events.

The silhouette range has covered firing points divided between high power and smallbore shooting. The High Power Range has targets at 200, 300, 385, 500, and 700 Meters. The smallbore range has firing points for targets at 40, 60, 77 and 100 meters. Highpower and smallbore competitions are held the first weekend of each month, weather permitting. Long Range Precision Rifle competitions are commencing in 2011.
High Power

The high power range has 21 numbered firing points on 7 firing lines. The firing lines are placed at 200, 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 and 1000 yards respectively. At the 1000 yard line in addition to the prone firing ling line, there are 21 covered bench rest tables where 1000 yard bench rest competitions are held. There are also additional concrete shooting benches at 200, 300, 500, and 600 yards for load development and sight in/ zero confirmation as well as 15 benches at 600 yards where Bench Rest competitions are held. The target line is an underground concrete pit with 21 counterweighted target frames recessed into the pit which are raised and lowered through a roof hatch. Numerous competitive events are held on this range. These include NRA sanctioned short range and long range competitions, along with long range black powder and 1000 yard benchrest events. Starting with the 2024 shooting season, Shotmarker Electronic target systems were added to 10 firing points for use in competition events.
East Range

A set of berms have been constructed for action pistol and similar shooting sports on a forty acre site immediately to the east of the silhouette range. Cowboy Action shoots started on the new range in 2010. Action pistol shooting events started in 2011 for this set of fourteen berms. 100 and 200 yard berms with concrete shooting benches and sunshades are provided for rifle shooting.
Archery Range

Support Facilities:
Stat Office

The Stat Office, located at the smallbore range, provides a neeting place for various range activities. The 20' x 40' structure, in addition to serving the smallbore range, is used for clinics, hunter safety programs, and award ceremonies. Additional smaller buildings are located at sporting clays, schuetzen, and action pistol ranges.
RV Park

14 pads with electric hookup are located on either side of the entrance to the Smallbore Range. 14 additional pads with electrical hookup are located at the East Range.

The original residence of the property, the farmhouse provides a meeting room, full kitchen and bathroom facilities and outdoor grill. With winter heating and summer air conditioning, the farmhouse provides a welcome relief after a hard day of shooting.
Equipment Building

The equipment building is the newest addition to our support facilities. The 40' x 80' structure provides for storage of our range equipment, and a workplace sheltered from the weather.